PATNA, FEB 23 (UNI):- Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav addressing party workers during 'Berozgari Hatao Yatra' at  Veterinary College Ground in Patna on Sunday. UNI PHOTO-25U

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Patna, Dec 16- Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejaswi Prasad Yadav on Friday said the security breach in Lok Sabha is a serious issue and Union Home Minister Amit Shah should make a statement on the issue in the House.

Yadav told media persons here that tight security arrangement was in place for Lok Sabha using advanced technology and sophisticated gadgets to avoid any lapse. Highly trained personnel were deployed for security cover of Lok Sabha but the security breach has raised several questions which needed satisfactory answers from the government, he added.

“I am surprised that Union Home Minister Amit Shah has not made a statement on the issue in Lok Sabha so far”, the Deputy Chief Minister said. However, he said the issue should be kept above politics. RJD member of Rajya Sabha Manoj Jha has already expressed the views of the party on the issue, he pointed out.

Yadav said the people of the country had the right to know in detail how and where the foolproof security made for Lok Sabha failed on December 13. The government should take all required steps to prevent its recurrence in the future, he suggested.

As it is, two persons had jumped into the Lok Sabha chamber on December 13 during its winter session when the business of the House was in progress. One of them was seen jumping from table to table in House and was caught. They were carrying very small gas canisters hidden in their shoes to spread yellow smoke.

The House was abruptly adjourned after the incident. Altogether five persons including two who had jumped into Lok Sabha chambe, were arrested. The incident has raised several questions on security arrangements for Lok Sabha