NIT Srinagar

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Srinagar, Nov 29 – Protests broke out at the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Srinagar on Tuesday over a social media post by a non local student allegedly hurting religious sentiments.

The students shouting slogans demanded stern action against the student who uploaded the video on social media.
Officials said the students assembled in the Nageen campus of the institute and protested for several hours. They also blocked the main entrance of the campus.
The non local student accused of uploading the social media post has been sent home on leave, they said.

Officials said the NIT Registrar had requested police to take required legal action against the student .

“We have received a letter from the Registrar NIT in which he has sought action against the student under the provision of law. Investigation is under process,” a police officer said.

Senior police and civil officials have been camping in the campus to calm the situation.