Varanasi, Dec 18 – Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given India a new direction and identity through his comprehensive development initiatives, and under his leadership, the new India is guiding the world and taking pride in its heritage.
Addressing the inaugural event of Swaraved Mahamandir in Varanasi, the CM said that the opening of the temple complex is happening owing to the efforts of the world’s most popular leader, PM Modi, because of whom even the world takes pride in India’s heritage today.
He said that when a saint’s spiritual practice takes a tangible form, it results in the creation of a place like Swarved Mahamandir. “Sadguru Sadafal Dev Maharaj also contributed to the struggle for India’s independence. While meditating on the peak of the Shunya Shikhar in Uttarakhand, he presented the tradition of India’s spiritual knowledge in a simple language to devotees,” he said.
Yogi also expressed his wish to organise 25,000 Kundiya Mahayagya along with Gyan Mahayagya. “The Swarved Mahamandir is dedicated to the sacred memories of Sadguru Sadafal Dev Maharaj. 100 years ago, he established the Sant Samaj for the practice of Vihangam Yoga. Today marks the commencement of the centennial celebration of the Vihangam Yoga Sant Samaj,” he said.
He said that the arrival of more than 13 crore devotees to the Kashi Vishwanath Dham after its inauguration is a matter of pride. “Whether it is giving global prestige to the great traditions of Yoga and Kumbh, or the sacred moment in 1954 when Sadguru Sadafal entered the spiritual world at the Shunya Shikhar while concluding the physical Leela, or the reconstruction of Kedarnath in Uttarakhand and Mahalok of Mahakal, as well as building the Ram Temple in Ayodhya after a wait of 500 years, every event fills an Indian’s heart with pride for their heritage,” he said.
The CM said, “This is because the successful leadership of the country has continuously devoted itself to these tasks with unwavering energy and determination without any discrimination.”
He said that in 1920, Sadguru Sadafal Dev Maharaj endured the hardships of jail for the same cause. “As citizens of independent India, we all, in the second year of Amrit Kaal of Independence Azadi ka Amrit Kaal, are united with Prime Minister Modi’s leadership in experiencing the pride of our heritage and its restoration,” he said.