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Thiruvananthapuram, Dec 14 – “The place, time, and situation doesn’t matter if there is a communal issue. It will surely split the people into fragments,” warns Haobam Paban Kumar, director of ‘Joseph’s Son’, which dealt with the conflicts in Manipur.

Paban Kumar spoke about the current situation in Manipur connecting with his film. “Manipur is a mini-India. Every community there wants to acquire their own land. People are really struggling because of the communal issues,” he explained.

Paban Kumar also discussed the trauma and fear of living in Manipur. He said there are about 35 communities in Manipur.

Joseph’s Son is Paban Kumar’s third fiction film. “The films are not getting much exposure in Manipur because of the small population,” he said.

The session was attended by Lubdhak Chatterjee, director of Whispers of Fire and water, Felipe Carmona, director of Prison in the Andes, Tatiana Graullera producer of Totem, Visvesh Singh Sehrawat, producer of Bahadur the Brave; Srijit Mukherji, director of Padatik and Shokir Kholikov, director of Sunday.

He was speaking at the ‘Meet the Director’ session on Wednesday. Meerasahib led the session. The final session of Meet the Director is on 14th Dec.