Jammu, Oct 26 — In a successful operation, the Jammu Police arrested two drug peddlers, including a woman, in the Sidhra area on the outskirts of the city. The culprits were apprehended during a routine naka duty, where they attempted to evade the alert police team.
The intercepted individuals, identified as Gurmail Singh from Amritsar and Muskan from Tehsil Neoria, District Pildhit, Uttar Pradesh, were found in possession of 14 kg of poppy straw (7 kg each). The police party, vigilant during frisking, discovered the contraband as the peddlers tried to escape from Nagrota to Sidhra.
A case under relevant sections has been registered at the Nagrota Police Station, and an investigation is currently underway. The successful apprehension of these drug peddlers reflects the commitment of the Jammu Police to combat illicit activities and maintain public safety.