Kolhapur, Nov 29 – In a recent development, Maharashtra Revenue Minister Radhakrishna Vikhe-Patil criticized the ongoing feud between the OBC and Maratha communities over the reservation issue as “totally meaningless.” He specifically addressed his cabinet colleague, Chhagan Bhujbal, advising him to resign from the state cabinet before engaging in discussions on the OBC matter.
Speaking to reporters in Kolhapur, Vikhe-Patil expressed concern over the inconsistent stance of Bhujbal on the OBC-Maratha reservation issue, noting that it has conveyed a misleading message to the public. The minister emphasized that the dispute between the OBCs and Marathas is unnecessary, and Bhujbal should refrain from agitating on the OBC quota matter at this point.
Vikhe-Patil went further by suggesting, “If Bhujbal wanted to talk on the OBC issue, then he should resign as a minister and then talk on the matter.” He urged Chief Minister Eknath Shinde to consider the appropriate course of action regarding Bhujbal’s stance on the issue.
The ongoing controversy highlights the complexity of reservation politics in Maharashtra, with ministers within the same cabinet holding divergent views on the matter. The call for resignation before engaging in discussions adds an interesting dimension to the already heated debate on caste-based reservations.